Bibliografia sulla Corporate Governance

Berle, A.A and G. Means (1932) The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Macmillan, New
Cadbury, A. (1992) The Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance. London Stock Exchange.
CCG (1998) The Combined Code. Committee on Corporate Governance, London Stock Exchange/
Gee & Co., London.
Conyon, M., P. Gregg and S. Machin (1995) Taking care of executive compensation in the UK.
Economic Journal, 105(2), 704^714.
Cubbin, J. and D. Leach (1983) The e¡ect of shareholding dispersion on the degree of control in
British companies: Theory and measurement. Economic Journal, 93, 351^369.

Denis, D.K. and J.J. McConnell (2003) International corporate governance. Journal of Financial and
Qualitative Analysis, 38(1), 1^36
Douma, S (1997) The two-tier system of corporate governance. Long Range Planning, 30(4),
Franks, J. and C. Meyer (1990) Corporate ownership and corporate control: A study of France,
Germany and the UK. Economic Policy, 100, 189^232.
Franks, J. and C. Meyer (1992) Corporate Control: A Synthesis of the International Experience
(Working paper). London Business School.
Franks, J. and C. Meyer (2001) Ownership and control of German corporations. Review of
Financial Studies, 14(4), 943^977.
Greenbury, R. (1995) Study Group on Directors Remuneration. London Stock Exchange.
Gregg, P.S., S. Machin and S. Szymanski (1993) The disappearing relationship between directors
pay and corporate performance. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 31(1), 1^10.
Hamil, S., J. Michie and C. Oughton (1999) A Game of Two Halves? The Business of Football.
Mainstream, London.
Hampel, R. (1998) Committee on Corporate Governance (Final report). London Stock Exchange.
Higgs, D. (2003) Review of the Role and E¡ectiveness of non-executive Directors. Department of Trade
& Industry, London.
Jenkinson, T. and C. Meyer (1992) Corporate governance and corporate control. Oxford Review of
Economic Policy, 8(3), 110.
LSE (1998) The Combined Code. London Stock Exchange/Gee & Co., London.
Michie, J. and S. Ramalingham (1999) From Barnsley to Green Bay Packers ^ Local and fan
ownership. Available at
Michie, J. and A. Walsh (1999) Ownership and governance options for football clubs. Paper given
at The Corporate Governance of Professional Football. Available at
Nyman, S. and A. Silberston (1978) The ownership and control of industry. Oxford Economic
Papers, 30, 74^101. Reprinted in L. Wagner (ed.) (1981) Readings in Applied Microeconomics
(2nd edn). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Radice, H. (1971) Control type, pro¢tability and growth in large ¢rms: An empirical study.
Economic Journal, 81, 547^562.
Short, H (1994) Ownership, control, ¢nancial structure and the performance of ¢rms. Journal of
Economic Surveys, 8(1), 205^249
Szymanski, S. and T. Kuypers (1999) Winners and Losers. Viking, Harmondsworth, UK.
Yoshimori, M. (1995) Whose company is it? The concept of the corporation in Japan and the
West. Long Range Planning, 28(4), 33^44.

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