Bibliografia sulla Critica della Psicoanalisi

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(Slip-technique, process-dissociation-model and multinomial modeling: New methods for the
experimental confirmation of Freudian slips of the tongue)Zeitschrift fà¼r Experimentelle Psychologie,
43, 175–202.
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Edelson, M. (1984). Hypothesis and evidence in psychoanalysis. Chicago: University of Chicago

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Grà¼nbaum, A. (1973). Philosophical problems of space and time (2nd ed., Boston Studies in the
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Grà¼nbaum, A. (1984). The foundations of psychoanalysis: A philosophical critique. Berkeley: University
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Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9(2), 266–284.
Grà¼nbaum, A. (1990, September). “Meaning” connections and causal connections in the human
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Thomas Nagel. New York Review of Books, 41(14), 54–55.
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Harman, G. (1965). Inference to the best explanation. Philosophical Review, 74, 88–95.
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Kohut, H. (1984). How does analysis cure? Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Leibniz, G. (1981). New essays on human understanding (P. Remnant & J. Bennett, Trans.). Cambridge,
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Motley, M. (1980). Verification of “Freudian slips” and semantic prearticulatory editing via
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Reiser, M. (1989). The future of psychoanalysis in academic psychiatry: Plain talk. Psychoanalytic
Quarterly, 58, 158–209.
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Salmon, W. (1971). Statistical explanation and statistical relevance. Pittsburgh, PA: University of
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explanation. In G. Hon & S. S. Rackover (Eds.), Explanation: Theoretical approaches and applications
(pp. 61–91). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Press.
Schapiro, M. (1968). The apples of Cà©zanne. Art News Annual, 34, 34–53.
Schà¼ttauf, K., Bredenkamp, J., & Specht, E. K. (1997). Induzierte “Freudsche versprecher” und
zwangsneurotischer konflikt (Induced “Freudian slips of the tongue” and obsessive-compulsive
conflict). Sprache und Kognition, 16, 3–13.

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