Bibliografia sulle Strategie antivirali contro il virus Ebola

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4. Jahrling, P. B.; Geisbert, T. W.; Dalgard, D. W.; Johnson, E. D.; Ksiazek, T. G.; et al.
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7. Belanov, E. F.; Muntianov, V. P.; Kriuk, V. D.; Sokolov, A. V.; Bormotov, N. I.; et al.
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12. Borio, L.; Inglesby, T.; Peters, C. J.; et al. Hemorrhagic fever viruses as biological
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13. Alibek, J.; Handelman, S. Biohazard, Random House, New York, 1999.
14. Bray, M. Defense against filoviruses used as biological weapons. Antiviral Res. 2003, 57,
15. Volchkov, V. E.; Chepurnov, A. A.; Volchkova, V. A.; Ternovoi, V. A.; Klenk, H.-D.
Molecular characterisation of guinea pig-adapted variants of Ebola virus. Virology 2000,
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16. Hart, M. K. Vaccine research efforts for filoviruses. Int. J. Parasitol. 2003, 33, 583–595.
17. Parren, P.W. H. I.; Geisbert, T.W.; Maruyama, T.; Jahrling, P. B.; Burton, D. R. Pre- and
postexposure prophylaxis of Ebola virus infection in an animal model by passive transfer
of a neutralizing human antibody. J. Virol. 2002, 76, 6408–6412.
18. Geisbert, T. W.; Pushko, P.; Anderson, K.; Smith, J.; Davis, K. J.; et al. Evaluation in
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19. Mupapa, K.; Massamba, M.; Kibadi, K.; Kuvula, K.; Bwaka, A.; et al. Treatment of Ebola
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20. Sadek, R. F.; Khan, A. S.; Stevens, G.; Peters, C. J. Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Democratic
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21. Jahrling, P. B.; Geisbert, T. W.; Geisbert, J. B.; Swearengen, J. R.; Bray, M.; et al.
Evaluation of immune globulin and recombinant interferon-alpha2b for treatment of
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22. Hevey, M.; Negley, D.; Geisbert, J.; Jahrling, P. B.; Schmaljohn, A. Antigenicity and
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23. Jahrling, P. B.; Geisbert, J.; Swearengen, J. R.; Jaax, G. P.; Lewis, T.; et al. Passive
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24. Kudoyarova-Zubavichene, N. M.; Sergeyev, N. N.; Chepurnov, A. A.; Netesov, S. V.
Preparation and use of hyperimmune serum for prophylaxis and therapy of Ebola virus
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25. Gupta, M.; Mahanty, S.; Bray, M.; Ahmed, R.; Rollin, P. E. Passive transfer of antibodies
protects immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice against lethal Ebola virus
infection without complete inhibition of viral replication. J. Virol. 2001, 75, 4649–

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