Bibliografia sulla valutazione neuropsicologica clinica dei bambini e degli adolescenti

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Chadwick, O., Rutter, M., Brown, G., Schaffer, D. & Traub, M. (1981) A prospective study of children with head injury: II. Cognitive sequelae. Psychological Medicine, 11, 49–61.
Cohen, M. (1997) Children’s Memory Scale. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.
Dean, C. D., Kramer, J. H., Kaplan, E. & Ober, B. A. (1994) California Verbal Learning Test— Children’s Version. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.
Donders, J. & Strom, D. (1997) The effect of traumatic brain injury on children with learning disability. Pediatric Rehabilitation, 1, 179–184.
Dunn, L. M., Whetton, C. & Burley, J. (1997) British Picture Vocabulary Scale (2nd edn). NFER-Nelson, Windsor, UK.
Elliott, C. D. (1996) British Ability Scales (2nd edn). NFER-Nelson, Windsor, UK.
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Fletcher, J. M. & Taylor, H. G. (1984) Neuropsychological approaches to childen: Towards a developmental neuropsychology. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 6, 39–56.
Gioia, G. A., Isquith, P. K., Guy, S. C. & Kenworthy, L. (1996) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning. Psychological Assessment Resources Inc., Odessa, FL.
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Goodman, R. (1989) Limits of cerebral plasticity. In: D. Johnson, D. Uttley & M. Wyke (eds) Children’s Head Injury: Who Cares? (pp. 12–22). Falmer Press, Brighton, UK.
Gopaul-McNicol, S. & Armour-Thomas, E. (2002) Assessment and Culture: Psychological Tests with Minority Populations. Academic Press, San Diego.
Grant, D. A. & Berg, E. A. (1993) Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. Psychological Assessment Resources Inc., Odessa, FL.
Griffiths, R. (1996) The Griffiths Mental Development Scales. The Test Agency Ltd, Henley-on-Thames, UK [revised by M. Huntley].
Harris, M. & Butterworth, G. (2002) Developmental Psychology. Psychology Press and Taylor & Francis, Andover, UK.
Henderson, S. E. & Sugden, D. A. (1992) Movement Assessment Battery for Children. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.
Holmes-Bernstein, J. (2000) Developmental neuropsychological assessment. In: K. O. Yeates, M.
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Levin, H. S., Ewing-Cobbs, L. & Eisenberg, H. M. (1995) Neurobehavioural outcome of pediatric closed head injury. In: S. H. Broman & M. E. Michel (eds) Traumatic Brain Injury in Children (pp. 70–94). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Manly, T., Robertson, I. H., Anderson, V. & Nimmo-Smith, I. (1998) Test of Everyday Attention for Children. Thames Valley Test Co., Bury St Edmunds, UK.
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McCarthy, D. (1972) McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities. Psychological Corporation, New York.
Meyers, J. E. & Meyers, K. R. (1995) Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial: Professional Manual. Psychological Assessment Resources Inc., Odessa, FL.
Middleton, J. A. (2001) Practitioner review: Psychological sequelae of head injury in children and adolescents. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42, 165–180.
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Oates, R. K., Simpson, J. M., Cartmill, T. B. & Turnbull, J. A. B. (1995) Intellectual function and age of repair in cyanotic congenital heart disease. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 72, 298–301.
O’Brien, G. & Yule, W. (1995) Behavioural Phenotypes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
O’Neil, J. & Griffiths, P. (2001) Paediatric neuropsychology in primary care: A one-year overview of a new service. Clinical Psychology, 8, December, 15–18.
Pennington, B. F. & Ozonoff, S. (1996) Executive functions and developmental psychopathology. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 37, 51–87.
Pharoah, P. O. D., Stevenson, C. J., Cooke, R. W. I. & Stevenson, R. C. (1994) Clinical and subclinical deficits at 8 years in a geographically defined cohort of low birthweight infants. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 70, 264–270.
Reitan, R. M. (1958) Validity of the Trail Making Test as an indicator of organic brain damage. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 8, 271–276.
Reynolds, C. R. & Bigler, E. D. (1994) Test of Memory and Learning. Pro-Ed, Austin, TX.
Rovet, J. F. (1995a) Congenital hypothyroidism. In: B. P. Rourke (ed.) Syndrome of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (pp. 255–281). Guilford Press, New York.
Rovet, J. F. (1995b) Effects of maternal epilepsy on children’s neurodevelopment. Child Neuropsychology, 1, 1–8.
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Rust, J. (1996) Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions. Psychological Corporation, San
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Ryan, C., Atchison, J., Puczynski, M., Arslanian, S. & Becker, D. (1990) Mild hypoglycemia associated with deterioration of mental efficiency in children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The Journal of Pediatrics, 117, 32–38.
Said, J. A., Waters, B. G. H., Cousens, P. & Stevens, M. M. (1989) Neuropsychological sequelae of central nervous system prophylaxis in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57, 251–256.
Semel, E., Wiig, E. H. & Secord, W. A. (1995) Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (3rd edn). Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.
Shallice T. (1988) From Neuropsychology to Mental Structure. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Sheslow, D. & Adams, W. (1990) Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning. Jastak Associates, Inc., Wilmington, DE.
Small, M. Y. (1990) Cognitive Development. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York.
Smith, A. & Sugar, O. (1975) Development of above normal language and intelligence 21 years after left hemispherectomy. Neurology, 25, 813–818.
Smith, I., Beasley, M. G. & Ades, A. E. (1990a) Effect on intelligence of relaxing the low phenylalanine diet in phenylketonuria. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 65, 311–316.
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Spreen, O. & Strauss, E. (1998) A Compendium of Neuropsychological Tests: Administration, Norms and Commentary (3rd edn). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Stiles, J. (2001) Neural plasticity and cognitive development. Developmental Neuropsychology, 18, 237–272.
Temple, C. (1997) Developmental Cognitive Neuropsychology. Psychology Press, Hove, UK.
Uzark, K., Lincoln, A., Lamberti, J. J., Mainwaring, R. D., Spicer, R. L. & Moore, J.W. (1998) Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with fontan repair of functional single ventricle. Pediatrics, 101, 630–633.
Vargha-Khadem, F., Gadian, D. G., Watkins, K. E., Connelly, A., Van Paesschen, W. & Mishkin, M. (1997) Differential effects of early hippocampal pathology on episodic and semantic memory. Science, 277, 18 July, 376–380.
Wechsler, D. (1991) Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (3rd edn). Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.
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Wilson, B. A., Ivani-Chalian, R. & Aldrich, B. (1991) Rivermead Behaviour Memory Test for Children. Thames Valley Test Co., Bury St Edmunds, UK.
Ylvisaker, M. (1998) Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Children and Adolescents (2nd edn). Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston.
Zimmerman, I. L., Steiner, V. G. & Pond, R. E. (1992) Preschool Language Scale—3. Psychological Corporation, San Antonio, TX.

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