Bibliografia sui farmaci antivirali : panoramica sulla scoperta e lo sviluppo

1. Morens, D. M.; Folkers, G. K.; Fauci, A. S. The challenge of emerging and re-emerging
infectious diseases. Nature 2004, 430, 242–249.
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3. Fauci, A. S. Infectious diseases: considerations for the 21st century. Clin. Infect. Dis.
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4. Gomez, L.; Clavel, A.; Castillo, J.; Seral, C.; Rubio, C. Emerging and reemerging
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5. Fraser, C. M. A genomics-based approach to biodefence preparedness. Nat. Rev. Genet.
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6. Bronze, M. S.; Greenfield, R. A. Preventive and therapeutic approaches to viral agents of
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8. Kuiken, T.; Fouchier, R.; Rimmelzwaan, G.; Osterhaus, A. Emerging viral infections in a
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9. Gubler, D. J. The global emergence/resurgence of arboviral diseases as public health
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10. Khabbaz, R. F. Emerging viral infections. Adv. Pediatr. Infect. Dis. 1999, 14, 1–27.
11. Andrei, G.; De Clercq, E. Molecular approaches for the treatment of hemorrhagic fever
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14. Huggins, J. W. Prospects for treatment of viral hemorrhagic fevers with ribavirin, a
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15. Witkowski, J. T.; Robins, R. K.; Sidwell, R. W.; Simon, L. N. Design, synthesis, and
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16. Sidwell, R.W.; Huffman, J. H.; Khare, G. P.; Allen, L. B.;Witkowski, J. T.; Robins, R. K.
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17. Sidwell, R. W. Ribavirin: a review of antiviral efficacy. Recent Res. Dev. Antimicrob.
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18. Bray, M.; Huggins, J. Antiviral therapy of haemorrhagic fevers and arbovirus infections.
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19. American Academy of Pediatrics. Reassessment of the indications for ribavirin therapy
in respiratory syncytial virus infections. Pediatrics 1996, 97, 137–140.
20. Wray, S. K.; Gilbert, B. E.; Noall, M.W.; Knight, V. Mode of action of ribavirin—effect
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21. Streeter, D. G.;Witkowski, J. T.; Khare, G. P.; Sidwell, R.W.; Bauer, R. J.; Robins, R. K.;
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22. Tam, R. C.; Lau, J. Y. N.; Hong, Z. Mechanisms of action of ribavirin in antiviral
therapies. Antiviral Chem. Chemother. 2001, 12, 261–272.
23. Reyes, G. R. Ribavirin: recent insights into antiviral mechanisms of action. Curr. Opin.
Drug Discov. Dev. 2001, 4, 651–656.
24. Snell, N. J. C. Ribavirin—current status of a broad spectrum antiviral agent. Expert
Opin. Pharmacother. 2001, 2, 1317–1324.

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