Bibliografia sugli Esseri viventi come “sistemi aperti”

DE DONDER Th. –1936– L’Affinità©, Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
DODE P. –1956– Bases fondamentales et applications de la thermodynamique chimique,
Sedes, Paris.
EDELSTEIN B. –1970– Doctoral thesis in chemistry-physics, Universit੠Libre de Bruxelles
(cited by GLANSDORFF & PRIGOGINE, 1971).
GLANSDORFF P. & PRIGOGINE I. –1971– Structure, Stabilità©, Fluctuations, Masson, Paris.
LEHNINGER A.L. –1969– Bioà©nergà©tique, French edition: M. DUQUESNE, Ediscience, Paris.
this book. This brief review aims simply to show that living organisms are open
systems, exchanging both energy and matter with their surroundings and that
the study of metabolic fluxes results from the thermodynamics of open systems.
ONSAGER L. –1931– Phys. Rev. 37, 405.
PRIGOGINE I. –1967– Introduction to thermodynamics of irreversible processes,
John Wiley, New York.
PRIGOGINE I. & STENGERS I. –1979– La Nouvelle Alliance, Gallimard, Paris.
STRYER L., BERG J.M. & TYMOCZKO J.L. –2002– Biochemistry, 5th ed., Freeman and C°,
San Francisco.
VOLTERRA V. –1931– Traità© de Mathà©matiques de la lutte pour la vie,
Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
NICOLIS G. & BABLOYANTZ A. –1969– J. Chem. Phys. 51, 2632.
LOTKA A.J. –1920– J. Am. Chem. Soc. 42, 1595.

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