Bibliografia introduttiva Tesi Neuropsicologia Clinica

Alderman, N., Burgess, P. W., Knight, C. & Henman, C. (2003) Ecological validity of a simplified version of the multiple errands shopping test. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9, 31–44.
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Bathgate, D., Snowden, J. S., Varma, A., Blackshaw, A. & Neary, D. (2001) Behaviour in frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 103, 367–378.
BPS Division of Neuropsychology (2000) Professional Practice Guidelines. British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK.
BPS Membership and Qualifications Board (2002a) Division of Neuropsychology. Guidelines for Interim Provisions Pertaining to the New Practitioner Full Membership Qualification in Clinical Neuropsychology. British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK.
BPS Membership and Qualifications Board (2002b) Regulations and Syllabus for the Division of Neuropsychology Practitioner Full Membership Qualification. British Psychological Society, Leicester, UK.
Crawford, J. R., Moore, J. W. & Cameron, I. M. (1992) Verbal fluency: A NART-based equation for the estimation of premorbid performance. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 31, 327–329.
Gass, C. G. & Brown, M. C. (1992) Neuropsychological test feedback to patients with brain dysfunction. Psychological Assessment, 4, 272–277. Grace, J. & Malloy, P. F. (2001) FrSBe. Frontal Systems Behavior Scale. Psychological Assessment Resources Inc., Lutz, FL. Gronwall, D. & Wrightson, P. (1980) Duration of post-traumatic amnesia after mild head injury. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 2, 51–60. Hodges, J. R. (2000) Memory in the dementias. In: E. Tulving & F. I. M. Craik (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Memory (pp. 441–459). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.

Hodges, J. R. & Patterson, K. (1996) Nonfluent progressive aphasia and semantic dementia: A comparative neuropsychological study. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 2, 511–524.
Hodges, J. R., Patterson, K., Oxbury, S. & Funnell, E. (1992) Semantic dementia. Progressive fluent aphasia with temporal lobe atrophy. Brain, 115, 1783–1806.
Hodges, J. R., Patterson, K. E., Graham, N. & Dawson, K. (1996) Naming and knowing in dementia of Alzheimer’s type. Brain and Language, 54, 302–325.
Hodges, J. R., Patterson, K., Ward, R., Garrard, P., Bak, T., Perry, R. & Gregory, C. (1999) The differentiation of semantic dementia and frontal lobe dementia (temporal and frontal variants of frontotemporal dementia) from early Alzheimer’s disease: A comparative neuropsychological study. Neuropsychology, 13, 31–40.
Jones, R. K. (1974) Assessment of minimal head injuries: Indications for hospital care. Surgical Neurology, 2, 101–104. Kaschel, R., Goldenberg, G., Goldstein, L. H., Risberg, J., Laaksonen, R., Gaillard, F., Perret, ¨¨
E., Tissot, R. & Oktem-Tano¨ r, O. (1994) Neuropsychology in Europe: A partial account of history and perspectives. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages Chez L’Enfant, 27, 114–121.
Kertesz, A., Nadkarni, N., Davidson, W. & Thomas, A. W. (2000) The Frontal Behavioral Inventory in the differential diagnosis of frontal dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 6, 460–468.
McMillan, T. M. (1996) Post-traumatic stress disorder following minor and severe closed head injury: 10 single cases. Brain Injury, 10, 749–758.
McNeil, J. E. & Greenwood, R. J. (1996) Can PTSD occur with amnesia for the precipitating event? Cognitive Neuropsychiatry, 1, 239–246.
Morris, R. G. & Worsley, C. (in press) The neuropsychological presentation of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. In: P. Halligan, U. Kischka & J. Marshall (eds) Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Powell, G. E. & Wilson, B. A. (1994) Introduction to neuropsychology and neuropsychological assessment. In: S. J. E. Lindsay & G. E. Powell (eds) The Handbook of Clinical Adult Psychology (2nd edition, pp. 645–687). Routledge, London.
Sbordone, R. J. & Liter, J. C. (1995) Mild traumatic brain injury does not produce posttraumatic stress disorder. Brain Injury, 9, 405–412.
Shallice, T. (1988) From Neuropsychology to Mental Structure. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Shallice, T. & Burgess, P. W. (1991) Deficits in strategy application following frontal lobe damage in man. Brain, 114, 727–741.
Snowden, J. S., Bathgate, D., Blackshaw, A., Gibbons, Z. C. & Neary, D. (2001) Distinct behavioural profiles in frontotemporal dementia and semantic dementia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 70, 323–332.
Walsh, K. & Darby, D. (1999) Neuropsychology. A Clinical Approach (4th edition). Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
Wilson, B. A., Cockburn, J. & Baddeley, A. D. (1985) The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test. Thames Valley Test Company, Bury St Edmunds, UK.
Wilson, B. A., Alderman, N., Burgess, P., Emslie, H. & Evans, J. J. (1996) Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome. Thames Valley Test Company, Bury St Edmunds, UK.

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